JCSGO Central 8AM Youth Camp 2018 "REIGN: THY KINGDOM COME"

JCSGO Events

JCSGO Central 8AM Youth Camp 2018 “REIGN: THY KINGDOM COME”

By Kevz

March 12, 2018


For a young Christian who strives for the coming of the Kingdom of God:


A young Christian should shape his aspects in life according to the likeness of God.

It should be one with the rhythm of God’s heartbeat — a heartbeat that desires for a young Christian to save his family and his friends; To bring out the glory of his passion in the field of academics or to his career; and to lead the people of his nation to a life of obedience with God.


God wanted for a young Christian to prosper throughout his life. A breakthrough of his blessings in everyone of us. For whatever it takes, whatever the price, whatever manner, a young Christian should serve God with all of his heart, mind and soul for He is the source of the ability, the talent and the wisdom.


Do not be anxious. No one has ever gotten in trouble for obeying God. The peace of God will guard your heart. For whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable — think of such things. For whatever you’ve learned from God, put it into practice. (Philippians 4:8-9)


For this means, thy Kingdom come, God.

For everything I am is for the Kingdom’s cause.

For I,  a young christian is ready.

We are ready.


This coming April 26 – 28, 2018 at Rizal Re-Creation Center, Rizal, Laguna, join us as we empower the young generation in seeking God’s kingdom to come in our lives and in our nation!

For only Php 3,000 it includes Food, Accommodation, Transportation, and Camp Materials for 3 Days and 2 Nights of a life-changing experience for the youth.

To get more details please contact Ruth Seludo(Registration) at 09358032859

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