The Bible says to count our days.  It seems that days these times just fly so fast.  So what can we do for the next four months.

First, we need to have a closer look at ourselves.  Evaluate honestly how we carried out the last eight months that have passed.  Were we conscious of our goals and vision?  Or are we just excited about our vision in the first month of this year.  We have to revisit our goals.

Second, how’s our spiritual life?  Did it grow?  Or it’s just so-so.  Were we determined to grow from our last year’s status?  How’s our life level towards God?  Towards our Lord Jesus Christ?  Towards our friendship with the Holy Spirit?  Is there excitement and awe in our personal relationship with God?  Are we excited when we read our devotional verses?  Do we talk to God daily?  Do we pray?

Third, how’s our love to serve one another?  Is the servant leader spirit strong in us?  Or do we expect others to be always serving us, answering to our every call and need?

When was the last time you sincerely talked to a person in distress wanting your attention?

When was the last time that you became conscious of a need of your brother or sister in the Lord?

Fourth, are we willing to accept our shortcoming and move forward for these four months towards fulfilling our goals and dreams?

Let’s have the spirit of a conqueror!

We will conquer whatever hindrances set before us to stop the fulfillment of our dreams.

God has a personal plan for your life.

Let the fire in your bones meet all negative thoughts and things in your mind and heart.

Jeremiah 20:9  …fire shut up in my bones.

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and your dreams will come to pass and you will live your dreams.

In Christ Jesus, we move and build our vision and reams in 2016!

In His service and love,



Bishop Jonathan & Ps Vicky Sebastian

  1. Francisco G. Alvarado Avatar
    Francisco G. Alvarado

    Thank you very much Bishop Jonathan & Ps Vicky for being our Spiritual Parents; for being always there to encourage us in times when we are down, to guide us when times we needed most, to push us when extreme discouragement and prostrations come along our way but most specially by loving us of who we are! We would like you to know that we will be forever grateful to you for all the things you have done to us. Me and my family will continue to serve God and continue to be faithful and submitted to you as our Spiritual Parents and Leaders! In spite of those great challenges we were encountering in the family and ministry we will continue to serve God… Trying to do everything we can to achieve our goals! Thank you po sa lahat! We love you and your whole family!

    1. jcsgomain Avatar

      Thank you Bishop Francis!
      God bless you and your family!

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